Are You Not Embarrassed, Adam?

we are in a panny. a ponderosa. a pizzeria. a panini. lol seriously. we are in a pandemic & sports are still being played. we can argue the brass tacks of continuing sports whist the deaths caused by COVID-19 continue to accumulate, but that’s not *really* why we are here.

we are here because nearly TWENTY games have been postponed due to health & safety protocols associated with COVID-19. it’s apparent that we are dealing with some type of outbreak (potentially traced back to the Wizards, who have not played their last 4 games), so why hasn’t the NBA (read ADAM SILVER) considered a hiatus?

instead of temporarily suspending the season, the NBA has placed a ban on hugging. because coronavirus runs rampant when players embrace one another but opts to remain in situ during 48 minutes of game play.

are you not embarrassed, Adam?

this is a business. i know. you know. we know. but then you think about Karl-Anthony Towns & what you think you know starts to muddle. a few days ago it was revealed that KAT tested positive for COVID-19 & will miss playing time while he quarantines. this is especially tragic since KAT lost his mother & six other family members due to complications associated with the virus. it took tremendous courage for KAT to even return to basketball after those tragedies, so for him to contract the virus that has snatched so much from him is..... i don’t even have the words. 

our country’s leadership, & i use leadership generously & mercifully, has already failed too many people unnecessarily. & after successfully creating the 2020 bubble, Adam Silver is starting to swerve into that same dangerous lane. the NBA is a business comprised of people. preserving the business means prioritizing the people who make the business successful. 

i don’t know the solution. a two-week hiatus? suspending the season? i’m not sure what would be most effective or practical. but i do know that the NBA is handling this POORLY. 

basketball is expendable, lives are not.


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