The Anthem Don’t Even Slap Like That.

the song stinks. Francis Scott Key was NOT in his bag when he composed this. yet, it’s the most important song in American history. it along with the American flag are prominent symbols of patriotism & love of country.

for some, the song is just a little diddle they learned in school. for Black people, it’s a painful, frustrating reminder that the country’s infrastructure was built on the backs of slaves who have yet to be repaid or appreciated for the land they built.

when Colin Kaepernick opted to kneel during the anthem in 2016, he was ostracized & blacklisted by the NFL.

as racial tensions came to a painful head in 2020, the collective lightbulbs turned on inside of the heads of those who objected his stance (no pun intended).

companies, brands, & leagues supported & funded by the black dollar were now in the hot seat. the NFL, NBA, & MLB are now on the Summer Jam screen. 

“This is why Kaep kneeled for!” “Now we get it!” “We see you. We hear you. Black Lives Matter & stuff.”

i mean, a neat little PR quote on a black screen is cool, i guess. but do you MEAN it?

the NBA does not.

the NBA has undeservedly received a reputation for being a “progressive league”, so it should appall everyone [read: NO ONE], that the league is mandating that the national anthem be played before every game. this announcement is in response to Mark Cuban’s decision to stop playing the song before Maverick’s games.

remember when we all slow clapped for the NBA because they let players put a *slogan on their jerseys in the bubble? 

*slogan must be selected from a list curated by the league.

as someone with 20/20 vision, i am struggling to see the progressivism in mandating every team play the song. & my vision becomes even  blurrier when i look back on last season’s events that were supposed to present the league as a united front with the players against racial injustice & police brutality.

the league’s thighs have GOT to be chaffed, because they continue to ride the fence with regards to social justice. a league inundated with Black men, some who have directly stared police brutality in the eyes [Sterling Brown; Thabo Sefolosha], is mandating that the national anthem be played.

if the NBA’s progressivism is being evaluated by movement, walking backwards is definitely a fair measuring stick.


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