

MVP. no other award across all professional sports is more coveted than the one of Most Valuable Player.

what does it mean to be the most valuable player in the league? what does it mean to be valuable?

does it mean being the best player? does it mean being the most consistent? does it mean being the face of the best team? or does it mean being the overachieving underdog that no one saw coming?

to be honest, i don’t think we know what it means. the criteria for MVP changes every season. most fans consider it merely a narrative-based award given to the player whose season storyline eclipses the others.

other folks think it’s a purely quantifiable award that can *only* be supported by statistics and win shares. they wholly reject the narrative aspect and focus solely one what can be seen - and calculated.

then there are those who feel that the award should go to the player who has etched his name in the history books. these folks overlook seeding & caliber of the team the player is on & focus on his personal contributions to history.

there are so many lens to analyze what constitutes the most valuable player. how can you choose the “right” one?

the truth is that there is no “right” one. what dictates MVP level play one season can change significantly the next. & maybe that’s the problem. the lack of consistent criteria leads to ludicrous debates about who should is most deserving this award. 

most. valuable. player. three words, many interpretations.

perhaps the MVP award should be given to the person who can successfully establish the criteria by which every MVP candidate can be measured against.

to the person who can create that barometer, you da real MVP.


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