it’s OVA.

what. a. season. since this was truly the most unprecedented NBA season yet, i’ve chosen my 5 favorite events from this season that made it memorable for me.

5. The Dunk Heard ‘Round The World.

Anthony Edwards may be the coolest rookie the league has ever seen. his post-game interviews are an incredible mixture of candidness, honesty, and absolute hilarity. however, his terrorizing baptism of Yuta Watanabe shook the foundation of the court floor- and NBA Twitter alike.

the clip went viral in minutes, inciting another ground shaking dunk- the one on old-man-yells-at-cloud NBA writers. instead of praising the athletic feat, a few writers opted to instead comment on his poor shooting night, in hopes to dull the shine on an otherwise spectacular play.

then the Montagues and Capulets of basketball discourse drew their swords. analytics versus eye test, part 94291. i won’t get into the finite details of that feud, but it’s unfortunate that such a fun play resorted to that tired debate.

basketball can be both numbers AND visually appealing fun. no one is making us choose. that night, we chose the latter.

4. Kyrie.

Kyrie is the living embodiment of using his PTO when he deems it necessary. Kyrie’s approach to basketball- & life in general inspires a multitude but seemingly annoys a small pack of detractors. whether he takes games off due to personal reasons or pays the media in the dust they oft deserve, it’s clear that the beat of Kyrie’s drum is only audible to him & him alone.

why is Kyrie one of my favorite moments this season? it’s because he is a gentle reminder that my occupation doesn’t have to be my life, just a part of it. he reminds me that life is a vapor and that i am allowed to take breaks for the preservation of my spiritual, mental, & emotional health. 

Kyrie is what we all should aspire to be. also he is an incredible basketball player. 50/40/90 as a part time job is AMAZING work.

3. No Hugging Pls.

COVID-19 has pretty much upended the way we previously lived our lives and interacted with others. the human contact we once found normal is now discouraged in an effort to stop the spread of the virus.

HOWEVA, that does not justify the NBA’s need to ban hugs between players. in a vacuum, the regulation seems normal & fair given the circumstances. but these men play a minimum of 48 hours of sweaty, close contact, heavy-breathing basketball. you mean to tell me HUGS is where you draw the line, Adam?

such a befittingly preposterous request for such an odd season.

2. Bullying Steph Curry.

he heard the chatter & read the slander. he shut up his detractors and naysayers by taking on the mantle and carrying the offensive load for the Warriors this season. With Klay Thompson still on the mend and wide-eyed rookies at the helm, Steph thrusted a middling team into playoff contention. 

The illustrious shooter scored a career-high 62 points in a 137-122 win over the Blazers. He also won the Thee-Point Contest this season, edging out Mike Conley on his final shot. he reminded all of us why he is regarded as one of the best shooters the game has ever seen. 

Bullying works, folks.

1. The Triple-Double King.

Russell Westbrook can be considered one of the most polarizing figures in basketball. either you love & admire him, or your disdain knows no ascertainable bounds. regardless of how you feel about the Brodie, his mark on the point guard position cannot be ignored.

On May 10, 2021, Russ secured his 182nd triple double, shattering the record set by Oscar Robinson. not only did Russ make history, but his stupendous play pushed the Wizards into the playoff picture after being FIFTEEN GAMES below .500. love him or hate him, Russ has etched his name in history books & deserves his flowers.

i mean, Why Not?

There have been so many incredible moments in this perplexing season. now, we have playoffs. share your favorite moment of this season with me!


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